Say hello to Instagram SEO

Article image with title: Say hello to Instagram SEO - How to be better discovered on Instagram, written by Susanna Rantanen. With a graphic image of a young man creating content with lots of Instagram likes pouring on his content.

Instagram SEO is more relevant than ever for us business Instagrammers. Aren’t we on Instagram to build our employer brand and share about our company culture and people to grow our employer brand awareness and affinity? Yes, we are! Growing employer brand awareness requires your target audience to discover regularly and want to consume your […]

How Employer Branding is Incredibly Similar to Dating

#emineblogs How Employer Branding is Incredibly Similar to Dating by Susanna Rantanen

Here’s an image your employer branding brain is waiting to capture: employer branding is like dating – so much like dating. Let me explain because the logic will deepen your laughter lines. In employer branding and dating, first impressions and gradual, genuine connections pave the way to long-lasting relationships. I want you to explore how […]