Mastering Persuasive Communication in Direct Sourcing

Blog image Mastering Persuasive Communication in Direct Sourcing

Mastering persuasive communication in direct sourcing can make all the difference in the outcome. Also, how you approach, message, and communicate with your sourced prospects can positively influence or hinder your employer’s reputation and brand. Recently, a conversation with a client about their talent acquisition illuminated the parallels between direct sourcing and cold B2B sales. […]

Employer Branding vs. EVP: Unpacking the Mystery with a Funky Restaurant Comparison

Employer Branding vs. EVP Unpacking the Mystery with a Funky Restaurant Comparison

Here’s the perfect way to understand Employer Branding vs. EVP. Picture this: An EVP (Employee Value Proposition) is like the restaurant’s menu, while the Employer Brand is like the restaurant’s “buzz,” the ambience that keeps people returning for more because the vibe makes them feel good about themselves and always guarantees a good night out with old and friends! Employee […]