Emine's Popular Podcasts

Emine’s and Susanna Rantanen’s popular podcasts, the older ‘Impressive Employer Branding Podcast’ and the newer ‘Building a Modern Employer Brand Podcast,’ educate, inspire, keep you up-to-date, and challenge your thinking.

Emine's Podcasts

Emine's popular podcasts educate, inspire, and keep you up-to-date with developments and news in content and social media marketing!

The Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast is updated every Wednesday with a new episode. If you want the latest insights from Susanna on the world of modern talent marketing and developing an Impressive Employer Brand, choose our English-language podcast.

The older Impressive Employer Branding podcast is not currently being updated with new episodes, but it still contains a lot of useful guidance and advice for developing an employer image.

You can listen to the renowned podcasts on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple (iTunes), Google Podcasts, and YouTube.

The Finnish version: Impressive Employer Branding podcast is also available on Supla.

Building a Modern Employer Brand -podcast

The Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast updates with a new episode every Wednesday. In this podcast, Susanna invites you into the world of developing an Impressive Employer Brand by sharing her expertise and conveying relevant and interesting news from around the world. Move to the podcast’s own website below.

Magnetic Employer Branding Method -podcast

Launched in June 2017, the Magnetic Employer Branding podcast quickly rose to become one of the most popular Finnish business podcasts. This podcast contains 147 episodes. We are not updating this podcast at the moment.


Subscribe to The Weekly Modern Employer Brand Email

Join the Building the Modern Employer Brand community and subscribe to the podcast’s weekly newsletter in your email! In addition to the latest episode, Susanna shares a tip, piece of advice, or some other exclusive content for this community every week. Note: The weekly newsletter is in English.

"Warning! This podcast will permanently change your perception of employer branding development."

Tanja Recruitment Manager

"...and once again, these great tips have been learned from Susanna Rantanen and the renowned podcast."

Sofia Employer Branding and Employee Experience Blogger

"I really liked the [episode content] again! Thank you for opening up the significance of the matter once again!"

Eveliina Job Search and Employer Branding Professional

"This is also one of my all-time favorites! And I admire Susanna Rantanen's pioneering spirit and grit in podcasting!"

Laura CEO, Social Selling Expert