Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️
We empower and equip your modern organisation to match talent minds with your mission through storytelling and persuasive communication. This method is ideal for organisations struggling with talent attraction and retention due to heavy competition for talent, growing and scaling fast or undergoing significant business change or transformation.
The Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️
”The Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️ is a powerful communication strategy and a systematic marketing approach I developed for modern-minded organisations struggling to attract and retain talent.
It’s based on business storytelling and the science of persuasion to match talent minds with your mission.”
Susanna Rantanen, Co-founder & CEO of Emine
Imagine if the shortage of the right talent was not slowing down your business growth.
Imagine if your business was regularly able to attract and hire talents ideal to your strategic needs, your values, and your culture.
Imagine if you could fix these challenges simply by a systematic, modern employer branding method.
Would you be interested in learning how?
What is the Magnetic
Employer Branding Method™️?
A Powerful Communication Strategy
This method combines storytelling and persuasive communication and marketing techniques to build a sustainable employer brand that lasts the test of times and delivers measurable business value.
What makes this method such a powerful method is the role reverse:
”Talent is the hero in your employer branding story. It’s not about you. It’s about them.”
A Systematic & Data-Driven Content
and Social Media Marketing Approach
The built-in marketing approach uses content and social media to invite, nurture and convert relevant passive and active job seekers in their candidate journey until they are ready to ”talk careers” with your business and you are ready to hire.
The role reversal helps turn employer branding messages and content remarkably more relevant for your target audience. This is key to winning sustainable attention and building employer brand affinity.
The Components of our Method
This modern employer branding method we named The Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️.
It enables HR / Talent Marketing teams to take high-impact marketing actions, get more done, and experience visible results in your talent marketing efforts.
With the support of the Magnetic Employer Brand Blueprint™️, you know what kind of content to create to match with your strategic employer brand decisions.
But not just that! This method supports you to say no to ideas out-of-scope, likely to steal your budget, time and energy!
This unique employer branding method is based on business storytelling to match your ideal talent minds with your mission.
As a result, your business will likely attract and retain the talents your business needs to achieve your growth-related goals.
The Magnetic Employer Brand Blueprint™️
The Magnetic Employer Brand Blueprint™️ is your marketing guide to strategic employer branding. It consists of the strategic key decisions and focus areas, your employer branding goals and KPI’s for data-driven employer brand marketing and inspiration to achieve consistent brand messaging and look.
This Blueprint gives you the ultimate sense of control over your desired employer brand, its successful execution and the expected employer brand ROI.
Data-Driven Approach to Employer Branding
Defining what your employer branding success looks like is the only way to measure ROI.
We get acquainted with your actual talent-specific business needs and goals to recommend the optimal employer branding goals, objectives and KPIs as well as employer brand marketing metrics.
This data-driven approach helps you to ensure your resources are being used smartly to consistently convert employer brand value to the business.
Focusing on Target Audiences Your Business Needs
Identifying your strategically ideal talents and their career-related needs and drivers are paramount in successful modern employer branding.
Our method helps you to make sense of this and proposes your company culture and career opportunities as a solution to their career and better life-related needs.
Inspirational & Relevant Content Based on Key Story Themes
Your Magnetic Employer Brand Blueprint™️ also includes customised Key Story Themes that match with your desired employer perceptions and image.
When you focus on creating all your employer brand content from the Key Story Themes, you will significantly boost your EB ROI.
Should you use our content creation and copywriting services, we further boost the impact of your message using various copywriting techniques to make sure your messages are understood, and interesting and inspire change.
Social Media & Content Marketing Plan
Content and Social Media marketing continue to be the most cost-efficient way to engage and enter a dialogue with your target audiences.
With our method, you will also get a customised social media content plan to help your content creation with lots of ideas based on your Key Story Themes.
Drive your Results with Systematic Execution
Get on the Top of Mind of your target audiences through the systematic execution of your social media and content marketing plan.
Optimize your success with our data-driven approach as you learn what works and what doesn’t.
This way your resources and time are allocated only on what turns your labor of love into employer brand ROI.
Not enough in-house resources?
Expand your executive resources with our retainer-based marketing collaboration services.
Or, ask for in-house coaching to transfer our knowledge in your own executive team!
Make your employer branding a priority. We certainly will.