Emine tapahtumassa: Ideagarden 1-2.10.2013 Finlandia-talolla tapahtumapäättäjille

Management Eventsin järjestämä uudenlainen tapahtumapäättäjien verkostoitumistapahtuma

Tapahtuman aika ja paikka: 1-2.10.2013 Finlandia-talo, Helsinki
Puheenvuoro 1.10.2013 klo 13-13.30
”Henkilöstötapahtuma työnantajabrändin rakentajana”
https://emine.fi/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/j0424377.jpg Rantanen


header image for Instagram follower count matter less than view and like counts

”Instagram follower count matters less than view and like counts”, says Adam Mosseri

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Using Trello in Employer Branding

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header image for Instagram follower count matter less than view and like counts

”Instagram follower count matters less than view and like counts”, says Adam Mosseri

#emineblogs Blog Header with text Using Trello in Employer Branding by Susanna Rantanen & Nora Nykänen

Using Trello in Employer Branding

Blog header Improving inclusivity with modern employer branding

Improving inclusivity in the workplace with modern employer branding [Susanna Keynote]